under Section 27. In cases where the fund consists of more than one employer, the dissolution or withdrawal from the fund by certain employers shall not constitute a cause for the dissolution of the fund
in connection with securitization; (4) to issue notifications to implement this Emergency Decree; (5) to determine fees for handling certain matters in accordance with this Emergency decree; (6) to
certain characteristics (not solely on size). ** Measured by total size of tracking ETFs Rank Free-float weight Market capitalization weight Strategic beta 1 S&P 500 TR (476 $ bln) KRX KOSPI 200 Korea PR (8
specific non-traditional metrics. Alongside other metrics and information, these enable investors to evaluate funds on certain ESG characteristics. The information is provided for transparency purpose only
. These adjustments should be detected and corrected before submitting the trial balance to the auditors. From the interview with auditors and financial statements preparers, the preparers are not certain
independent director. 2. The Remuneration Committee should review the board remuneration by taking into consideration certain survey results of the available Director Compensation Surveys or hiring a consulting
, water supply and distribution business has a certain income and can generate contunuely revenue for the Company. New Clause 6 : Expected Banefit (1) The investment in the ordinary shares of HECH and newly
(NESDB) forecasted Thailand’s economy to expand in the range of 3.50% to 4.50% (Mean 4.00%), lower than the expansion of 4.20% in 2018. A lower projection is mainly resulted from the uncertainty of trade
corresponding period last year and the weighted average number of vans was at 336 vans up from 265 vans in the corresponding period last year, coupled with the wider range of 3rd party products for distribution
ฉล่ียของทรพัยสิ์นท่ีกองทนุ ลงทนุ (Portfolio Duration Range) ในระดบัตัง้แต่ 0-10 ปี 2.2 ผูจ้ดัการกองทนุหลกัใชด้ลุยพินิจในการบรหิารอตัรา แลกเปล่ียนของสินทรพัยท์ี่กองทนุหลกัลงทนุ โดยคาดการณ์ จากการเปล่ียน