obtain access to the contract. Indicate whether the issuer is required to make periodic disclosure such as disclose the evidence periodically that the issuer is not in default or that it is in full
products instead. In this regard, the Company foresees that should the manufacturing business continue, the Company would be required to bear such fixed costs as depreciation costs, salaries for production
estate investment trusts, information required in Form 56-REIT3 annexed to this Notification; (b) for other disclosures than a), information required in Form 56-REIT3, mutatis mutandis. (2) the summary of
documents, to proceed with necessary and proper actions required in connection to the disposition of the above Planet’s ordinary shares in order to the complete such disposition to the aforementioned 6
Tel. 02-897-8888, 02-897-8800 Fax. 02-897-8890 1. * The company required to extend the period of loan, from the previous on 24/02/2018 1st extended : Extended for 3 months, the remaining loan amount of
Tel. 02-897-8888, 02-897-8800 Fax. 02-897-8890 1. * The company required to extend the period of loan, from the previous on 24/02/2018 1st extended : Extended for 3 months, the remaining loan amount of
ที ่2 ซอย 54 แขวงแสมด ำ เขตบำงขุนเทยีน กรุงเทพฯ 10150 41/1 Rama 2 Soi 54 Rd., Samae-Dam, Bang Khun Thian, Bangkok 10150 Tel. 02-897-8888, 02-897-8800 Fax. 02-897-8890 1. * The company required to
ยีน กรุงเทพฯ 10150 41/1 Rama 2 Soi 54 Rd., Samae-Dam, Bang Khun Thian, Bangkok 10150 Tel. 02-897-8888, 02-897-8800 Fax. 02-897-8890 1. * The company required to extend the period of loan, from the
unpaid rental fees between the tenants and KPM. In order to complete the transaction, the Company is required to solve the issues of outstanding unpaid rental fees and the future rental fees of the lessees
this transaction being considered as Type 3 transaction under the Notification on Acquisition or Disposal of Assets. The Company is required to immediately disclose the information memorandum on entering