1,468 53.2% 70.4% 5,464 3,049 79.2% Share of profit (loss) from investment for using equity method 52 54 50 (3.7)% 4.0% 188 55 241.8% Gains on disposal of assets 198 585 136 (66.2)% 45.6% 987 457 116.0
Office, through a method agreed upon with the client. Clause 26 In case of the following transactions, an intermediary shall send out a confirmation statement with details under Clause 25 to clients within
Clause 43(3) of the Notification on Standard Conduct of Business by sending a confirmation statement with details specified by the Association5, with an approval of the SEC Office, through a method agreed
Licensing Manual for the Public, the SEC Office shall ascertain the facts in accordance with the procedure and method as prescribed in the Licensing Manual for the Public, and notify in writing the skeptical
บันทึกบัญชีตำมส่วนได้เสีย (equity method) โครงสร้ำงรำยได้ (ล้ำนบำท) สัดส่วนรำยได้ (%) ล้ำนบำท 2560/61 2561/62 YoY (%) 2560/61 2561/62 สื่อโฆษณำนอกบ้ำน 3,559 3,847 8.1% 90.4% 74.6% สื่อโฆษณำในระบบขนส่งมวลชน
จำกแพลตฟอร์มของธุรกิจโลจิสตกิส์จะถูกบันทกึภำยใต้วธิกีำรบันทกึบญัชีตำมส่วนได้เสีย (equity method) บริษัท วีจีไอ จ ำกัด (มหำชน) ค ำอธิบำยและวิเครำะห์ฐำนะทำงกำรเงินและผลกำรด ำเนินงำนส ำหรับปี 2562/63 1
lease extension for CentralPlaza Rama 2, which was made at the end of June 2018. Based on a straight-line depreciation method for the duration of the new lease agreement, the incremental cost of rent and
inquired the management of Hero Experience Company on the status of the creditor and the payment method, Hero Experience’s management reported that as of April 5, 2019, Hero Experience has a total of 10
, after a deduction of license fee, equals to Baht 675.76 million. 6. Criteria used to determine value of consideration The value of consideration is based on the calculation method in accordance with the
payment method, Hero Experience’s management reported that as of April 5, 2019, Hero Experience has a total of 10 creditors who have sued Hero Experience and demanded it to pay the debt with interest