หากมีผลขาดทุนใหแสดงจํานวนเงินไวในเครื่องหมายวงเล็บ 8. รายการพิเศษ (Extraordinary items) หมายถึง รายไดหรือคาใชจายที่เกิดจากรายการหรือเหตกุารณทางบัญชีที่มีความแตกตางอยางชัดเจน จากการดําเนินงานตาม
tax expenses (90) 8 (46) 646% (49%) Profit before FX & extraordinary items 1,074 607 1,302 114% 21% Net foreign exchange gains (losses) (21) (3) (52) n/a 146% Net profit 1,053 604 1,250 107% 19% Non
the delivery of an extraordinary experience with ongoing exclusive activities held to enhance customers’ wealth in alignment with their business and personal needs. Of note were “The Symbol of Your
in line with income from investments, an increase in net premiums earned - net, and revenue from capital market products. Nonetheless, given one extraordinary item – an increase in retirement reserves
ventures 152 131 157 20% 4% 517 595 15% Income tax expenses (66) (49) 8 n/a n/a (257) (243) (5%) Profit before FX & extraordinary items 786 1,055 607 (42%) (23%) 3,445 3,904 13% Net foreign exchange gains
) 316% Profit before FX and extraordinary items 1,283 2,293 2,755 115% 20% 4,374 6,735 54% Net foreign exchange gain (loss)2 17 (5) 21 25% (515%) 207 (13) (106%) Net profit 1,300 2,288 2,776 114% 21
-interest income, derived mainly from an extraordinary item from the sale of a bank subsidiary. Meanwhile, net interest income enjoyed ongoing growth, albeit at a decelerating rate, due in part to a reduction
%) Income tax expenses (112) (46) (30) (35%) (73%) (202) (76) (62%) Profit before FX & extraordinary items 1,168 1,302 1,789 37% 53% 2,241 3,091 38% Net foreign exchange gains (losses) 28 (52) 242 (568%) 763
& extraordinary items 607 1,282 1,309 2% 116% 3,904 5,684 46% Net foreign exchange gains (losses) (3) 17 111 553% n/a (15) 317 n/a Net profit 604 1,299 1,420 9% 135% 3,889 6,001 54% Non-controlling interests (118
meeting or extraordinary general meeting, provided that it shall comply with rules as specified by the notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board. The board of directors shall include the matter