reported Net Profit less extraordinary items less tax adjusted inventory gain/loss. Net operating debt is defined as net debt (total debt less cash and current investments) less cash outflow for the various
various industries in the manufacturing and commercial sectors, at 41.9 percent, followed by 21.8 percent to utilities and services, 11.6 percent to housing, and 9.7 percent to real estate and construction
activities. Since there are various calculation methods, its presentation may not be comparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies. (3) Deduct loss on foreign exchange (4) Comprises of total
adjusted inventory gain/loss. Net operating debt is defined as net debt (total debt less cash and current investments) less cash outflow for the various projects underway which are not yet completed and have
adjusted inventory gain/loss. Net operating debt is defined as net debt (total debt less cash and current investments) less cash outflow for the various projects underway which are not yet completed and have
any other performance measure or as an alternative to cash flow from operating activities. Since there are various calculation methods, its presentation may not be comparable to similarly titled
diagram as well; (2) What is the estimate of return in various situations and the possible highest loss? In this regard, such estimation shall employ reasonable assumptions and be prepared with due care; (3
cash flow from operating activities. Since there are various calculation methods, its presentation may not be comparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies. (3) Comprises of total
other relevant details, as the circumstances may allow, and under the period deemed appropriate, whereby the issuance and offering of debentures may be made by various methods, in whole on one or several
performance measure or as an alternative to cash flow from operating activities. Since there are various calculation methods, its presentation may not be comparable to similarly titled measures used by other