with or whether adaptations have been made. If they choose not to comply or adapt, they are expected to thoroughly explain their reasons for not doing so. Firms have been requested to start disclosing
law. 2. To enhance efficiency of official receivers in collecting a debtor’s assets in a bankruptcy case, a provision has been added to this law. The new provision allows (a) any person who owes a
Page 1 Enclosure 5. Information Memorandum on the Acquisition of Assets of Safari World Public Co., Ltd.; An increasing of investment cost (No. 2) Enclosure 5. Information Memorandum on the Acquisition of Assets of Safari World Public Company Limited; An increasing of investment cost in Carnival Magic Project. (No.2) Safari World Public Company Limited (“The Company”), would like to notify the information memorandum regarding the acquisition of the company's assets as specified in account 2 in a...
person under Section 258 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535. (as amended) (the “Person under Section 258”) of Mr. Nop Narongdej, causing Mr. Nop Narongdej and his Person under Section 258
published in the Government Gazette dated August 23, 2019, effective November 21, 2019, stipulated that a debt collector or the person specified by the debtor as a debt collector is restricted to contacting
, since Mr. Nop Narongdej is the beneficial owner of Golden Tiger Associates LTD., Golden Tiger Associates LTD. has a relationship considered acting in concert (“Person Acting in Concert”) of Mr. Nop
Company). In this regard, since Mr. Nop Narongdej is the beneficial owner of Golden Tiger Associates LTD., Golden Tiger Associates LTD. has a relationship considered acting in concert (“Person Acting in
หลักการ กำกับดูแลกิจการที่ดี สำหรับบรษัทจดทะเบียน ป 2560 Corporate Governance Code for listed companies 2017 ปกหนาสัน สารบัญ หน้า บทนา 1. วัตถุประสงค์ของหลักการกากับดูแลกิจการที่ดีฉบับนี้ (Corporate Governance Code: CG Code) 3 2. การกากับดูแลกิจการที่ดี คืออะไร 4 3. CG Code นี้ มีสาระสาคัญอย่างไร 5 3.1 หลักปฏิบัติ 8 ข้อหลัก 5 3.2 การปฏิบัติตาม CG Code 6 3.3 การอธิบาย เมื่อไม่ได้นาหลักปฏิบัติไปใช้ 7 4. CG Code นี้ ต่างจากหลักการกากับดูแลกิจการที่ดี สาหรับบริษัทจดทะเบียน ปี 2555 อย่างไร 7 5. การ...
Officer on Rules and Practices regarding Currency Exchange (No. 26), and ForKorNgor. (21) Wor.47/2560 Re: Issue of Notification on Foreign Exchange Payment Transactions with Designated Person, in accordance
Directive Given to Authorized Juristic Person (No. 12), and five Notices of the Competent Officer of Foreign Exchange Control, effective November 8, 2019, which contains the salient points as follows: 1