could remain an IFEC shareholder and exercise the voting right to select company directors at three shareholders’ meeting in 2017. It is considered that His such failure violated a law and he illegally
of HRC price: the average selling price of HRC in year 2018 was THB 20,663/ton, increased by 11% as compared with last year (THB 18,690/ton) according to HRC market price worldwide trend. - HRC cash
2017 - Increasing of HRC price: the average selling price of HRC in year 2018 was THB 20,663/ton, increased by 11% as compared with last year (THB 18,690/ton) according to HRC market price worldwide
สามญัของ Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited ในสัดส่วน ร้อยละ 80 ของจ านวนหุ้นสามญัทั้งหมด บริษทัจึงตอ้งมีการรับรู้รายได ้เขา้มาในงบการเงิน ท าให้รายไดจ้าก การบริการเพิ่มข้ึน ซ่ึงสามารถจ าแนก
regulations to remain only those necessary and consistent with current situations. These efforts aim to strengthen business sectors’ competitiveness, and reduce operating costs of private sectors and burdens
Worldwide Transportation Limited (“UWT”) จ านวน 80,000 หุน้ มูลค่าท่ีตราไวหุ้น้ละ 10 เหรียญดอลลาร์ฮ่องกง คิดเป็นร้อยละ 80 ของหุน้สามญัทั้งหมดของ UWT โดย UWT มี บริษทัยอ่ย คือ Guangzhou Universal Worldwide
.” The TCFD Recommendations assist companies worldwide in recognizing climate-related risks and opportunities and providing comprehensive climate-related financial information. They also allow companies
remain in saving account. The investment in short-term promissory notes of Asia Capital Group Public Company Limited and short- term fixed income fund was the way to manage liquidity in the short period of
such rectification by allowing the financial statements to remain false, incorrect or inconsistent with the facts, they may be liable to commission of offenses under Section 312 of the Act. In any case
offenses against the Securities Law such as fraud, unauthorized fundraising or unlicensed securities business undertaking, remain subject to criminal proceedings by means of criminal complaint filing with