the year 2016. The main cause is from the reduction of the compensation for loss of production and estimated construction cost of WTG’s foundations of Huay Bong 2&3 wind farms. Sales and administration
of Baht 125.68 million or 27.65 percent according to additional investment in solar power plant of 10.0 MW, biomass of 6.8 MW and wind power of 10.0 MW in 2016 - Hotel business that company has
1,428.84 million or 45.06% due to fair value measurement of investment in Wind Energy Holding co., Ltd and Khao Kor Wind Power co., Ltd through other comprehensive income according to TFRS9 – Financial
:55 Notification to dispose of ordinary shares in RPV Energy Company Limited (2nd Amendment) 10/08/2020 08:15 Notification of the execution of the Share Purchase Agreement in Chu Prong Gia Lai Wind
intellectual property, and utility assets. The Corpus Christi Project currently under development when completed will have nominal capacity of 1.1 million metric tons of PET and 1.3 million metric tons of PTA
has a capacity to produce a total of 37,500 tons/ annum of PET High Modulus Low Shrinkage (PET HMLS), PET Heavy Denier Industrial (PET HDI) and industrial Nylon 6 for use in tire cord and industrial
carbon economy. The SEC plans to organize webinars and capacity building sessions for asset managers throughout 2023. For starters, an introductory meeting with asset managers will be held on 25th January
to investors’ legal capacity in executing legal acts before providing services to prevent legal issues regarding a person’s capacity, which may have an impact on the legal acts between digital asset
Net Interest-Bearing Debt to Equity ratio of 0.62x. Subsequent Event: Gulf TS1, the second of the four SPPs to COD this year, achieved COD in July 2017 with a total contracted capacity of 130.0 MW
) SBT: Science-based target SBTi: Science-based Targets Initiative NDC: Nationally Determined Contributions Glossary 30 January 2023 Improved Capacity and Skills in TCFD