sent a letter to the bond issuer to demand immediate repayment of the bond reaching maturity. The SEC requires that the bondholder representative analyze the benefits and shortcomings as well as the
without it being considered an event of default. The SEC requires that the bondholder representative analyze the benefits and shortcomings as well as the potential impacts on the
ต้องปฏิบัติงานตามมาตรฐานวิชาชีพ 1 8/37 IPO1 9/37 หลักการก ากับดูแลการระดมทุน การคุ้มครอง ผู้ลงทุน การระดมทุน มีประสิทธิภาพ ความสมดุลระหว่าง • Well- informed investor (ได้รับข้อมูล เพียงพอ รู้จักวิเคราะห์
improvement of customer services were well implemented. The Company’s gross profit in the first quarter of 2018 was Baht 163.66 million, increased from Baht 139.31 million in the first of quarter of 2017 or
improved on the inventory cost management as well as sales mix management in each product category efficiently, and strictly controlled on the selling and administrative expenses. Please be informed
year 2017, the Company’s sale revenues were Bt. 106,897.87 million, which decreased 0.46% from last year. The decrease of sales was mainly due to the decreased set-top-box products as well impact from
itself and its overseas subsidiaries’ operation as well as marketing and managing expense to support existing customers. 4. Financial Cost For the year 2018, the Company’s financial cost was Bt. 818.90
consolidated expense of supporting the Company itself and its overseas subsidiaries’ operation as well as marketing and managing expense to support existing and new customers as compared. 4. Financial Cost For
million or 14.0 percent as the company still has improved on the inventory cost management as well as sales mix management in each product category efficiently, and strictly controlled on the selling and
considered an event of default under the terms and conditions, from 20 November 2024 to 30 December 2025; (3) A waiver of maintaining the collateral-to-bond value ratio at a minimum of 1.5:1, as well as a