in many markets.The SEC believes that continual capacity building of human resources in the securities industry is vital to the health of our capital market and the economy. Although automated program
delighted that we laid a firm foundation today for the stronger cooperation between the FSC and the SEC which celebrates its 20th anniversary of playing a vital role in the development of the Thai capital
ของ early warning ใหสะทอนคาความผันผวนของเงนิ กองทุนที่ตองดํารง และนยิามของหนี้สินพเิศษที่ไมตองนาํมารวมในการคํานวณเงินกองทุนสภาพคลอง สุทธิ ดังนั้น เพื่อใหบริษัทหลักทรัพยและตัวแทนซื้อขายสัญญาฯ
countries is a key factor in driving forward competitiveness of the region.? Ms. Patareeya Benjapolchai, SET President, noted that harmonization and cooperation were the essential keys to stability and
through capital market for infrastructure projects essential for the country?s economic and social development, a successful approach adopted by Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea and Canada.The
, thorough studies by the EMF working committee are essential,? he said.
by tax-benefit products such as Retirement Mutual Fund (RMF), Super Savings Fund (SSF) and Thai ESG Fund. It also includes essential details like Assets Under Management (AUM), the number of funds, and
market confidence and business integrity, which in turn is essential for companies that need access to equity capital for long term investment. Access to equity capital is particularly important for future
million and the gains from loss of control in Pace One and Pace Three of Baht 8,857 million. A use of reasonable assumptions in the fair value measurement is crucial and has significant effect on the fair
fair value measurement is crucial and has significant effect on the fair presentation of the investment amount and the gains from loss of control in subsidiaries. In addition, the information disclosed