circumstances under which the signatory would join forces with other institutional investors to ensure that boards acknowledge and respond to their concerns on critical issues and at critical times; and, with
number of new cases per day causing tighten restriction across the country while full vaccination remains low and vaccine supply posts another pressing factor. This raises the downside risk to the already
the country while full vaccination remains low and vaccine supply posts another pressing factor. This raises the downside risk to the already weak economy, reflecting in fragile consumer spending and
financial position. Disclose such information that the issuer believes is necessary for an understanding of these arrangements and their material impact on the issuer’s financial position. E. Critical
in the market. As a result, the Company’s cost of raw materials cannot adjust to the market price continuously decline in time. Even though, the government has imposed the urgent measures to absorb
changes to such systems are urgent, such fund supervisor may inform the Office of such urgency to request the result of the consideration for such change approval before the fifteen-day deadline is due. Any
changes to such systems are urgent, such fund supervisor may inform the Office of such urgency to request the result of the consideration for such change approval before the fifteen-day deadline is due
changes to such systems are urgent, such fund supervisor may inform the Office of such urgency to request the result of the consideration for such change approval before the fifteen-day deadline is due
terms of expenses for the three months, the company and its subsidiaries has taken control and reduced expenses of production, sales and management in all areas that are not urgent to maximize benefits
• คุณสมบติัของผูเ้ขา้ร่วมโครงการ ควรแปรผนัตามชนิดของนวตักรรม • ควรก าหนดใหมี้ความรู้พ้ืนฐานดา้น ธุรกิจหลกัทรัพย ์ • ควรจ ากดัผูร่้วมโครงการเฉพาะบริษทั ไทย เน่ืองจากระบบดงักล่าวเป็น critical infrastructure