overseas project sales. • Revenue from rental and rendering of services increased by Baht 23.3 million or 18.6% as a result of the increase in rental spaces (Little Walk Pattaya opened in Nov 2018, and Index
the increase in rental spaces (Index Mall Bangna opened in September 2018, Little Walk Pattaya opened in November 2018, and Index Mall Chaiyapruek opened in March 2019). Q3/2019 vs Q3/2018 (YoY) 2,225.1
. STEP 2 SQL immediately dissolve and go into liquidation process STEP 1 SQL transfer its entire business to SUTHA 99.99% SQL Return capital (1) EBT (2) Cash SQL SUTHA SUTHA (Liquidation) 3 5. Details on
will be able to maintain its sustainable growth following business direction and strategy laid out step by step, while the Company has already completed its investment in the must-have projects needed to
invest in assets of the infrastructure business that is a greenfield project, a step-by-step operation plan, 4 starting from construction to completion of the construction, as well as the management and
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is a key step in corporate GHG accounting. This step determines which operations are included in the company’s organizational boundary and which activities should be reported as direct or indirect
. By far, the Company believes that performance of hospitality business will slowly recover. Regarding residential business, the Company has perceived a sign of gradual recovery as number of walk
customers, the new store can also adjust the concept of After You, which formerly is a dessert shop that focuses on sitting and eating, into a new store concept that encourage customers to walk around and
registration. This results in Boonterm’s next step become the channel that can provide service and sell products in the same kiosk. Moreover, the company plans to expand 2 new businesses that are personal loan