since 1 September 2016. Processed Food : Revenue from sales was 219.0 MB, an increase by 112.2 MB or 62.8% y-o-y. Due to last year the Company recognized sale since 1 July 2016. Cost Cost of sales and
Companies dated 29 June 2006. Clause 2 In the Notification: “electronic data” means data that are created, sent, received, stored or processed through electronic procedures; “securities company reporting
Companies dated 29 June 2006. Clause 2 In the Notification: “electronic data” means data that are created, sent, received, stored or processed through electronic procedures; “securities company reporting
three outlets during February 2018. Processed Food : Revenue from sales was 235.6 MB, increased by 28.4 MB or 13.7% y-o-y. Due to this quarter, the Company has growth shrimp frozen’ s purchase order and
Companies dated 29 June 2006. Clause 2 In the Notification: “ electronic data ” means data that are created, sent, received, stored or processed through electronic procedures; “ securities company reporting
statement indicating that the client had signed the documents to open the securities trading account in witness of an investment consultant. Nonetheless, {B} admitted that she was the one who processed such
prices on world market for Q1/2015 – Q1/2020 Processed price data from: Metal Expert Hot Rolled the prices for hot-rolled coil on the world market during the first quarter of 2016 to first quarter of 2019
licensed derivatives business operator in the category of derivatives brokerage; “ electronic data ” means data that are created, sent, received, stored or processed through electronic procedures; “ business
licensed derivatives business operator in the category of derivatives brokerage; 2 “electronic data” means data that are created, sent, received, stored or processed through electronic procedures; “business
established under specific laws or any legal entity licensed to undertake finance or commercial banking business. “electronic data” means statements that are created, sent, received, stored or processed through