20.00 4. Electricity Generating Public Company Limited 335,762,500 12.50 5. Bangkok Expressway and Metro Public Company Limited 201,457,499 7.50 6. PT (Sole) Co., Ltd. 134,305,000 5.00 Total 2,686,100,000
. Electricity Generating Public Company Limited 335,762,500 12.50 5. Bangkok Expressway and Metro Public Company Limited 201,457,499 7.50 6. PT (Sole) Co., Ltd. 134,305,000 5.00 Total 2,686,100,000 100.00 4.4
The Notification of the Ministry of Finance -Unofficial Translation- This English version is prepared by Legal Counsel and Development Department with the sole purpose of facilitating the
with the capacity of 19.80 MW. Gangdong will sell electricity to Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), the sole off-taker of wholesale power generation in South Korea, through the Korea Power
Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), the sole off-taker of wholesale power generation in South Korea, through the Korea Power Exchange (KPX). Gangdong also sells thermal energy, and receive renewable
hydropower plant project in Laos PDR with total installed capacity of 69 MW. The indirect subsidiary acquired of 100% share of Nam San 3A Power Sole Co., Ltd. (“Nam San 3A”) from Phongsubthavy Roads and
Nam San 3B Power Sole Co. , Ltd. [ “Nam San 3B” ] from Phongsubthavy Roads and Bridges Construction and Irrigation Sole Co. , Ltd. in the amount not exceeding USD 113.2 million [approximately THB 3,581
Acquisitio e of Thailand on and Dispo ). The transac on method giv ated financial uisition of as usly approved l Value of Con ed according In addition otification of ctions and t sure of Inform 2003). rd of
make sure that the commercial bank has an effective system for storage of assets, is able to repay debts upon demand, and is under the supervision of a credible organization. Said investment and deposit
sure for financial transactions. It provides services of transfer money between bank account and transfer money from the bank to another bank, payment for commodities, services and loans, cheque status