listed below. 1. Definitions of terms in this law have been revised/added. - The objective in the use of an “Automobile” and “Motorcycle” has been changed to include “For private use only”. - Definitions
has the exclusive rights to install and manage 188 advertising panels under 23 BTS stations from Bangkok Mass Transit System Public Company Limited and (2) advertising under flyovers in which the
manufacturing. Therefore, the board of directors then has considered the acquisition of the entire business of SQL in order to have only the Company undertaking this business. Please see the details of the
percent of total shares sold (“Modern Street”) 3.2) Purchaser Lertsamartyotha Company Limited (“Lertsamartyotha”) by Mrs. Naparat Khamngoen is the sole director of the Company. The details of the
the sole investor for the project that will occur in the future. Eureka Design Public Company Limited Joint Venture Ureka UU Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 99% Sharehold ers Shareholder’ s Name Shares
not only considered a connected transaction, but it is also considered a transaction on disposition of assets in accordance with the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. ThorChor. 20
of the interested shareholders. It is not only considered a connected transaction, but it is also considered a transaction on disposition of assets in accordance with the Notification of the Capital
interested shareholders. It is not only considered a connected transaction, but it is also considered a transaction on disposition of assets in accordance with the Notification of the Capital Market
The Notification of the Ministry of Finance -Unofficial Translation- This English version is prepared by Legal Counsel and Development Department with the sole purpose of facilitating the
Translation (Translation) PAGE (Translation) -45- Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. The SEC