+ (-) % Total revenue 22,945.00 9,459.00 142.57 Revenue from Sale 21,469.00 6,470.00 231.82 Cost of sales 12,672.00 5,531.00 129.11 GROSS PROFIT 8,797.00 939.00 836.85 Selling and Administrative Expenses 9,130.00
September 2016 + (-) % Total revenue 33,053.00 16,105.00 105.23 Revenue from Sale 31,795.00 14,980.00 112.25 Cost of sales 19,933.00 9,382.00 112.46 GROSS PROFIT 11,862.00 5,598.00 111.90 Selling and
+ (-) % Total revenue 53,712.00 27,095.00 98.24 Revenue from Sale 53,152.00 25,997.00 104.45 Cost of sales 33,247.00 16,594.00 100.36 GROSS PROFIT 19,905.00 9,403.00 111.69 Selling and Administrative Expenses
+ (-) % Total revenue 27,616.00 22,748.00 21.40 Revenue from Sale 26,518.00 21,469.00 23.52 Cost of sales 16,151.00 12,672.00 27.45 GROSS PROFIT 10,367.00 8,797.00 17.85 Selling and Administrative Expenses
September 30, 2017 + (-) % Total revenue 38,459.00 32,924.00 16.81 Revenue from Sale 36,922.00 31,795.00 16.13 Cost of sales 21,227.00 19,933.00 6.49 GROSS PROFIT 15,695.00 11,862.00 32.31 Selling and
the consolidated financial statements. 2 Summary of Performance For Q3 2019, the Company and its subsidiaries recorded net profit of 1,070 MTHB, increased by 445 MTHB or 71.2% comparing to Q3 2018. This
mostly due to unrealized loss on exchange rate. Summary of Performance For Q1 2020, the Company and its subsidiaries recorded net profit of 780 MTHB, increased by 232 MTHB or 42% comparing to Q1 2019. This
financial statements June 30, 2020 June 30, 2019 + (-) % Total revenue 43,927.00 53,712.00 (18.22) Revenue from Sale 43,335.00 53,152.00 (18.47) Cost of sales 26,928.00 33,247.00 (19.01) GROSS PROFIT
financial statements March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019 + (-) % Total revenue 43,029.00 33,874.00 27.03 Revenue from Sale 41,557.00 33,221.00 25.09 Cost of sales 25,247.00 20,924.00 20.66 GROSS PROFIT 16,310.00
increase loss of 3%. The Company would like to clarify a significance change of the Group’s operating results were summarized as follows: 1. Revenue from sales and services for the six-month period of 2017