: (a) cash and bank deposit; (b) securities purchased under reverse repurchase agreement with accrued interests; 2 (c) promissory notes and bill of exchange issued by financial institution under the law
Expense (28,428) (21,422) (7,006) 32.70 Directors and Executives' Remuneration (7,679) (6,529) (1,150) 17.61 Loss from Inpairment of Fund in Subsidiary (25) 25 (100.00) Reverse of Doubful Account 4,687
Expenses 47 43 9 Allowance for doubtful account (Reverse) (1) 2 (150) Allowance for diminution in value of goods (4) (2) 200 Operating Profit 61 53 15 Less Loss from change in fair value of financial 67 4
Expenses 35 46 -24 Allowance for doubtful account (Reverse) 7 (2) 450 Allowance for diminution in value of goods 7 (3) 333 Operating Profit 16 62 -74 Less Loss from exchange rate 4 2 100 Loss on recognition
reverse stress test. The securities clearing house shall file the report on results of the tests under (1) and (2) with the SEC Office on a quarterly basis within the fifteenth day of the first month of the
the extreme but possible events of market volatility; (2) a quarterly reverse stress test. The derivatives clearing house shall file the report on results of the tests under (1) and (2) with the SEC
market 6.5 DW 6.6 reverse repo 6.7 OTC derivatives 6.8 หน่วย infra หรือหน่วย property ที่มีลักษณะครบถ้วน ดังนี้ 6.8.1 จดทะเบียนซื้อขายหรืออยู่ในระหว่าง IPO เพื่อ การจดทะเบียนซื้อขายใน SET หรือในตลาด ซื้อ
an increase by 5.4%, primarily due to THB 11,000 million in loans drawn down primarily to fund our investment with Grab, Inc. in Thailand and our consolidation of Nguyen Kim. 3. Total equity as of
marketing support and commission expenses paid to delivery operators (Grab, Lineman, Food Panda and Get) which were related to the increased delivery sales. As a percent of total revenue, selling and
ใชจ้่ายของพนกังานหนา้สาขา ค่าเช่า ค่าสาธารณูปโภค และค่าเส่ือมราคาเพิ่มขึน้จากการเปิดสาขาใหม่ และ (2) ค่าคอมมิชชั่น ใหก้ับผูป้ระกอบธุรกิจจดัส่งอาหาร (Grab, Lineman, Food Panda และ Get) ที่เพิ่มขึน้ จากรายได