) MinistrialNotificationMNSEAPVD as the Assets in which the Provident Fund may invest or have in Possession (Repealed) Appointment of the Settlement Committee under the Provident Fund Act B.E. 2530(Repealed) Appointment of the
Javascript Not Enable https://market.sec.or.th/secsignv3/SignIE8.aspx English (United States) MinistrialNotificationMNSEAPVD as the Assets in which the Provident Fund may invest or have in Possession (Repealed
Possession (Repealed) Appointment of the Settlement Committee under the Provident Fund Act B.E. 2530(Repealed) Appointment of the https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/LawandRegulations
Bangkok, February 11, 2010 ? The SEC revoked investor contact approval of Porntip Thongchaicharoensiri, former investor contact at ACL Securities Co., Ltd., for five years on account of interference
Bangkok, October 6, 2014 ? The SEC revoked approval of 2 securities investment consultants for ten years; Thanjira Phonwattanakul (formerly named Natthareeya Kulpakawa), a consultant of Tisco Asset
Bangkok, May 18, 2007 ? The SEC has revoked the approval for two investor contacts functioning as marketing officers ? Kritsana Sahavutipatra and Campirada Kiratikamolpatra ? on account of
Securities and Exchange Commission No. SorThor. 19/2552 Re: Report on Trading of Securities and Derivatives in Foreign Countries of the Derivatives Broker dated 3 July 2009 shall be repealed. Clause 2 In this
shall be repealed: (1) The Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. KorThor/Nor/Yor. 14/2545 Re: Determination of Fees for the Operation of Licensed Businesses dated 19 February 2002. (2
14 (2) of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992), the Securities and Exchange Commission hereby issues the following regulations: Clause 1. The following Notifications shall be repealed: (1
14 (2) of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992), the Securities and Exchange Commission hereby issues the following regulations: Clause 1. The following Notifications shall be repealed: (1