improvements, building, machinery, office equipments, vehicles and work on progress of construction: As at 30th Sept 2017 and 31st March 2017, the Company and its subsidiaries had Land, plant and equipments
. 2.1.3 Land, plant and equipments - Land and improvements, building, machinery, office equipments, vehicles and work on progress of construction: As at 31st Dec 2017 and 31st March 2017, the Company and
Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) for year 2017 3 Executive Summary In overall 2017 performance, the Company had significant improvements in various areas such as production increase to 875,874 tons, sale volume
on Q1/2018 Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) for year 2017 (Revised) 3 Executive Summary In overall 2017 performance, the Company had significant improvements in various areas such as
and THB 2,752 Million during the last 6 months. Apart from debt reduction, the cash injection from rights issue is enabling the Company to take up several critical Capex for operational improvements and
equipments - Land and improvements, building, machinery, office equipments, vehicles and work on progress of construction: As at 30th June and 31st March 2019, the Company and its subsidiaries had Land, plant
time of the world’s turmoil. Combined with execrate investment in many mega projects on infrastructure improvements enforced by the new government to draw interest from foreign investors, the management
softly at 2.2% YoY. On the other hand, fixed broadband revenue (Bt2,107mn) grew 64% YoY after improvements in both subscriber base and ARPU, while revenue from CSL has been consolidated since Feb-18 and
continued to experience strong user base growth on Rabbit LinePay. Currently; Rabbit LinePay serves more than 4.5mn users, an increase of 55.2% in less than 6 months. Ongoing improvements in user interface as
total assets) respectively. Trade receivables increased due to the higher sales in last quarter. 2.1.3 Land, plant and equipments - Land and improvements, building, machinery, office equipments, vehicles