committee (be it a stand-alone risk committee, a combined risk committee with nomination and governance, strategy, audit or other) can be an effective mechanism to bring the transparency, focus and
มาตรฐานผลกระทบ SDG • องค์ประกอบสำคัญของมาตรฐานผลกระทบ SDG - กลยุทธ์ (Strategy) แนวทางการจัดการ (Management Approach) ความโปร่งใส (Transparency) และธรรมาภิบาล (Governance) • 12 ขั้นตอนในการดำเนินธุรกิจ III
on exercising voting rights and disclosure of voting results to reaffirm transparency and strict duty performance for the clients? best interest; Principle 6: Institutional investors should act
connected directors; therefore, in order to ensure the transparency of voting procedures and to facilitate the independent judgment of other directors, those mentioned directors abstained from voting in this
ensure the transparency of voting procedures and to facilitate the independent judgment of other directors, those mentioned directors abstained from voting in this matter and temporarily left the Meeting
relating to digital assets and the transparency of such activities and < < Previous First 1 2 Next
relating to digital assets and the transparency of such activities and < < Previous First 1 2 Next
monitoring of the activities and businesses relating to digital assets and the transparency
monitoring of the activities and businesses relating to digital assets and the transparency
Responsibility Equitable Treatment and Participation Disclosure and Transparency Internal Control and Internal Value Creation by Enhancing Market