first meeting on 6 November 2019 to consider the Master Blueprint and guidelines for driving forward implementation plans. “The Master Blueprint contains the overview of how the Thai capital market can
plans to lay out a cooperative framework with SEC to push forward the SDG implementation and the UN Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights in Thailand.
This is because the 20-year national master plan for 2018 through 2037 focuses on pushing forward and increasing the potential for SMEs, as they will help solve poverty problems and promote
นางสาวรื่นวดี สุวรรณมงคล เลขาธิการ สำนักงานคณะกรรมการกำกับหลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลักทรัพย์ (ก.ล.ต.) ร่วมเสวนาออนไลน์ หัวข้อ “Way forward in driving impact investment in Thailand” ในงาน Driving Impact
public monitoring, examination, and evaluation of my work as the SEC Secretary-General. All feedbacks and suggestions are welcomed as part of our mutual efforts going forward,” she added
Ratio Item Unit Y2019 Y2018 Y2017 1.Current Ratio Times 11.21 9.28 9.42 2.Quick Ratio Times 2.06 1.38 3.16 3.Collection Period Day 33 33 46 4.Payment Period Day 74 84 96 5.Sales Inventory Period Day 723
8.48 M.Bht 2. Financial Status and Major Financial Ratio Item Unit Y2017 Y2016 Y2015 1.Current Ratio Times 9.42 5.86 1.98 2.Quick Ratio Times 3.16 2.70 0.68 3.Collection Period Day 46 41 43 4.Payment
Times 9.28 9.42 5.86 2.Quick Ratio Times 1.38 3.16 2.70 3.Collection Period Day 33 46 41 4.Payment Period Day 84 96 76 5.Sales Inventory Period Day 660 466 272 6.Fixed Asset Turnover Times 2.7 1.98 2.01 7
investment agreement, along with the purchase of IPO shares. Furthermore, the Natural Resources Business recorded a gain from foreign exchange forward contract at THB 82 million. Other Important Events in the
tax cut packages and accommodative fiscal policy. Broadly speaking, both developed and developing economies, excluding China, showed signs of improvement in concert. Looking forward, the global economic