were acquired in late of 2018 and machines that installed in 2nd Factory and were ready to use in second half of 2018 such as screw flight machine and powder booth system machine. 3. Finance costs
Factory which was fully recognized in this 6- month period since the Company acquired such machines in April, May and August 2017. This resulted depreciation expense to be increased by 0.84 million baht
4.3% YoY to THB 1,462mn mainly due to the expansion of hotel business through new hotels launch, through new acquisitions and the contribution from acquired assets under the Entire Business Transfer of
91.52%, which is based on the Criteria of Total Value of Consideration, which is the highest result. Including of the Company does not have any assets acquired or disposed of during the 6 months prior to
Supervisory Board after he acquired or disposed TRAF between April 3, 2007 and August 7, 2008 which caused his aggregate holding of TRAF shares held by other persons to reach or pass a multiple of five percent
Market Supervisory Board after he acquired or disposed ASCON shares between December 22, 2005 and December 9, 2009 so that the acquisition or disposal of such shares caused his aggregate holding of ASCON
. Sermkhun acquired shares of CMO Public Company Limited (CMO) resulting in the aggregated number of shares through nominee account exceeded trigger point at 50 percent of the total voting rights of CMO
Mr. Uchai Vilailerstpoca On December 1, 2014, Mr. Uchai Vilailerstpoca acquired shares of Ocean Commerce Public Company Limited (OCEAN) which caused his aggregated holding of OCEAN shares to reach or
Mr. Uchai Vilailerstpoca On December 1, 2014, Mr. Uchai Vilailerstpoca acquired shares of Ocean Commerce Public Company Limited (OCEAN) which caused his aggregated holding of OCEAN shares to exceed
Mr. Pramot Pasawongse On January 16, 2015, Mr. Pramot Pasawongse acquired shares of Thai Packaging & Printing Public Company Limited (TPP) which caused his aggregated holding of TPP shares to