addition, ACAP recorded the accounting documents with the documents related to such operations. Therefore, their actions were considered that they acted in order to obtain unlawful gains for himself or
recorded the accounting documents with the documents related to such operations. Therefore, their actions were considered that they acted in order to obtain unlawful gains for himself or another person and
. In addition, ACAP recorded the accounting documents with the documents related to such operations. Therefore, their actions were considered that they acted in order to obtain unlawful gains for himself
recorded the accounting documents with the documents related to such operations. Therefore, their actions were considered that they acted in order to obtain unlawful gains for himself or another person and
in the amount of 40.95% when compared to the year 2018. Most of expenses are fees from issuing letter of guarantee. In year 2019, the Company still has been unable to obtain the financial support from
usefulness in the nature as being a property of IEC, and acting in order to obtain unlawful gains for himself or another person. The court sentenced him a 4 years and 12 months imprisonment and a total fine of
) in Thailand with the SEC directly without the need to obtain a prior approval from the Ministry of Finance; (2) Requiring the foreign issuer of baht bonds to (i) obtain an issue rating not lower than
memorandum regarding the acquisition and disposition of the assets to the SET, nor to obtain an approval from its shareholders. Kindly be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely Mr. Adisorn Thananan-narapool
and the audit firm consents inspectors of the SEC to inspect the audit quality system when the SEC requires. 3. I consent to prepare and deliver information that the audit firm will prepare or obtain
/LawsandRegulations/securities-ITchecklist.xlsx QAQR-06.xlsx institution, insurance, construction, digital assets) obtain/maintain the required specialist knowledge? Does the firm have special training/or tailor-made