support main business as it will benefit the Company in the long term. Opinions by the Audit Committee and/or company directors significantly different from those by The Board of Directors : None General
Disposal”). By calculating on a Net Operating Profit basis after tax deduction, the highest transaction size is 33.63 percent of the Value of the Net Profit of the Company according to the consolidated
such as the website of the management company. The warnings under the first paragraph shall be printed in a font that is clear and in a text size not smaller than the other texts of the prospectus
Guarantee (“LG”) from one local commercial bank to guarantee the usage of electricity in production process of the Company. The tenor of first SBLC is 9 months and able to rollover for the whole tenor of main
calculation of the transaction size, the transactions have a maximum size in aggregate of 40.18 percent according to the calculation by the size of the total value of the consideration paid, (including
transaction size at the maximum of 1.67 percent if it is calculated by several criteria. It is thus not considered asset acquiring transaction which is not significant transaction that is required to be
% of its registered capital, par value of 100 Baht, with total amount 40 Million Baht. The transaction size calculated according to the acquisition of assets listed company rule, the total consideration
42,001,080 million or THB 90,909 million, or US$ 3,000 million. Details of the calculation of the transaction value are as follows: Basis Calculation Transaction Size 1. Calculation on the basis of net
. General Information : Land Lease contract with Factory and Office Building 3 Size Rental Contract : Land Lease contract with Factory and Office Building Total Area, Rental Fee, and Service Charge : Factory
2,45 ed capital of A t of the total n f directors of A hat Around the 35 (1992) (inc he entering into e transaction y of the Comp y’s main reve ness will bring n, the Board ness, a curre Around the W