to improve their supervision and surveillance capabilities. This training will ensure the Thai market remains even with international counterparts; with a primary goal of preventing negative impact on
market accessibility for fund raisers and have quality products, (2) develop mechanisms to strengthen market confidence, (3) develop market infrastructure, and (4) improve the SEC?s itself to be fair
. The meeting also urged that TIA enhance efficiency of proxy voting mechanism, publicize opinions and recommendations regarding listed companies? questionable transactions that may affect shareholders
organizations for their outstanding achievements in deploying information and communication technologies to enhance efficiency, capacity and operation. FutureGov Awards are divided into 16 categories: (1
also resembles, while we will continue to improve on our journey to zero injuries. Operationally our continued focus on quality and services resulted in recognition from our customers in the form of
เวลาเทานั้น อาจทํา ใหมีปญหาเกี่ยวกับการควบคมุดูแลผูจัดการกองทุนในทางปฏิบัติ 1.2 กรณี upgrade คุณสมบัติดานความรูของผูจัดการกองทุน โดยมีทางเลือก ไดแก 1.2.1 ได CFA/ CISA 1 และมีประสบการณทํางาน 3
enhance risk management effectiveness. Board of Directors Risk Management and Control Units Enterprise Risk Management Division Customer and Enterprise Service Fulfillment Division KASIKORN BUSINESS
landscape, and endorsement of international standards. The SEC has also laid out the strategic plan for the next three years (2019-2021) focusing on the optimum use of technologies to enhance market
of SEC approved-auditors. The project aims to support small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with a potential to raise fund through capital market and expected to help enhance Thailand?s readiness to
standards. The MOU with the DSI aims to enhance collaboration for prevention and suppression of offenses related to special legal cases to improve enforcement efficiency. Such mutual effort will focus on