สญัญาซ้ือขายหุน้จะก าหนดจาก สมการดงัต่อไปน้ี ราคาซ้ือขายหุน้เพอร์มาตา = มูลค่าตามบญัชีของเพอร์มาตา ณ วนัท่ีไดรั้บความเห็นชอบร่วมกนั (Confirmation of the Satisfaction Date) ลบ: มูลค่าหุน้ท่ีออกและจ าหน่ายเพ่ิม
following up on customer satisfaction measurements to improve the quality of products and services. In addition, advertising and public relations should promote responsible consumption and must be done
can have an impact directly on short and long-term value creation and destruction through effects on reputation, enhancement of customer satisfaction and loyalty, and relations with employees and other
” program was continued to gauge customer satisfaction and obtain their recommendations for use of KBank services at branches and K-Contact Center, which will be used as input for development and upgrades to
E_1 Legal_FA_2015_12_29-c A CorpL4.1hig A Executive Summary of Management Discussion and Analysis 1 For the Year Ending December 31, 2019 Thai economy in 2019 showed decelerating growth at 2.4 percent compared to 4.2 percent in the previous year.The slowdown could be attributed to exports which contracted further due to the stronger Baht and a global economic slowdown. In addition, the investment environment of both the public and private sector remained weak, and private consumption, albeit gro...
objective in undertaking fund management business for short and long term. Objective should be set for the short-term plan and criteria/factor for evaluation of the accomplishment of the plan should be
strategic plan, policy and objective in undertaking fund management business for short and long term. Objective should be set for the short-term plan and criteria/factor for evaluation of the accomplishment
Transaction will occur upon the satisfaction of the conditions precedent as specified in the Entire Business Transfer Agreement, entering into between the Company and SUTGH (“Entire Business Transfer Agreement
Allocation Transaction will occur upon the satisfaction of the conditions precedent as specified in the Entire Business Transfer Agreement, entering into between the Company and SUTGH (“Entire Business
Transaction”) Nevertheless, the aforementioned Entire Business Transfer and Securities Allocation Transaction will occur upon the satisfaction of the conditions precedent as specified in the Entire Business