fluctuation of exchange rate, However the company tried to reduce financial risk by hedging against forward exchange contracts. 4. The performances decreased by 136.08 million baht (from the profit of 125.97
. A profit from foreign exchange increased by 17.23 million baht (from 25.24 million baht to 42.47 million baht) due to an impact from fluctuation of exchange rate, However the company tried to reduce
decrease of Baht 24.32 million or 91.99%, because of the fluctuation of the price of stocks listed on the stock exchange of Thailand. That was affected by the outbreak of the 2019 coronavirus (COVID-19
inflows to be imposed exclusively on currency speculators to prevent impacts on regular investors. Foreign investors who aim for currency speculation are more likely to face risks of share price fluctuation
ของ early warning ใหสะทอนคาความผันผวนของเงนิ กองทุนที่ตองดํารง และนยิามของหนี้สินพเิศษที่ไมตองนาํมารวมในการคํานวณเงินกองทุนสภาพคลอง สุทธิ ดังนั้น เพื่อใหบริษัทหลักทรัพยและตัวแทนซื้อขายสัญญาฯ
the securities clearing house, including credit risk and liquidity risk. The financial resources shall be assets with high liquidity and low-price volatility which may be any of the following assets: (1
assets with high liquidity and low-price volatility which may be any of the following assets: (1) assets contributed by members; (2) assets procured as collateral for payment obligation; (3) assets
experience occasional periods of volatility. Regarding inflation and the policy rate in 2019, headline inflation is expected to average 0.8 percent, lower than the 1.1 percent of 2018, as a result of easing
Baht volatility and international capital movements. Within this context, KBank has accentuated enhancement of our business capabilities to achieve sustainable growth and maintain our market leadership
volatility”) ของหุนอางอิง กําหนดใหเปดเผยขั้นต่ํา 1 คาโดยใชขอมูลของหุนอางอิงประกอบการคํานวณยอนหลัง 90 วัน และสามารถ lag ขอมูลไดไมเกิน 5 วันทําการกอนวันที่ยื่นแบบ filing (ข) ขอมูลที่ตองเปดเผยตอ