of the company; (3) prepare the following manual or guidelines for its personnel: (a) organisational structure of company; (b) roles, duties and the extent of responsibilities in extent of each staff
must contain the scope or policy on investment, investment restrictions, and the customers’ right to obtain intelligible and adequate information on the private fund management. Furthermore, any
customers’ objectives and needs, each private fund management contract must contain the scope or policy on investment, investment restrictions, and the customers’ right to obtain intelligible and adequate
management contract must contain the scope or policy on investment, investment restrictions, and the customers’ right to obtain intelligible and adequate information on the private fund management. Furthermore
) “Training Institute” means training institutes accepted by the Office; (Translation) -2- Chapter 1 Scope of the Applicability ____________________ Clause 3. This Notification shall not apply to the
issuer and those who have an opportunity to make use of such inside information ; (4) clear scope of authority , duty and responsibility of directors, executives and work units. Clause 7 A securities
access inside information of a securities issuer and those who have an opportunity to make use of such inside information; (4) clear scope of authority, duty and responsibility of directors, executives and
access inside information of a securities issuer and those who have an opportunity to make use of such inside information; (4) clear scope of authority, duty and responsibility of directors, executives and
information in the financial statements do not comply with the financial reporting standards obliged to use in preparation for such financial statement; or (2) the auditors are limited their scope of the review
job title; (5) “Training Institute” means training institutes accepted by the Office; Chapter 1 Scope of the Applicability ____________________ Clause 3 . This Notification shall not apply to the