to financial instruments, amount 42.69 million Bahts, and from the operating loss from the first quarter, amount 3.67 million Bahts Other components of the shareholders increased by 90.03 million
has increased by 65.55 million Bahts. Shareholders’ equity increased by 55.74 million Bahts, due to other components of Shareholders’ equity increased by 91.63 million Bahts, and Unappropriated
which are components of the underlying index of the ETF fund; (13) “ETF fund” means an ETF fund ... price of investment units of an ETF fund in an organized market
trading investment units of the ETF fund and securities which are components of the underlying index of the ETF fund; (13) “ETF fund” means an ETF fund ... price of
effect of Baht appreciation, which affected to export sector and industrial sector, especially in electronic components manufacturing
effect of Baht appreciation, which affected to export sector and industrial sector, especially in electronic components manufacturing
แต่ละงานสอบบัญชีโดยสรุป) (3.2) ระดับสำนักงานสอบบัญชี………………………………………………………………. (โปรดระบุ ISQC elements ที่ถูกตรวจ) (4) สรุปผลการตรวจสอบ………………………………………………………………………….(โปรดระบุความเสี่ยงที่อาจเกิดขึ้นจากกรณี
………………………………………………………………. (โปรดระบุ ISQC elements ที่ถูกตรวจ) (4) สรุปผลกำรตรวจสอบ…………………………………………………………………………. (โปรดระบุควำมเสี่ยงที่อำจเกิดขึ้นจำกกรณีไม่ปฏิบัติตำมนโยบำย วิธีกำร มำตรฐำนกำรสอบ บัญชี จรรยำบรรณวิชำชีพบัญชี และกำรอ
? B6.1 Please provide the firm's organization chart for SOQM that shows all the responsibilities for SOQM functions (all areas of TSQM's elements), including risk assessment, compliance with independence
efficiency of monitoring activities, how does the firm establish monitoring cycle for regular monitoring activities within a year? Please provide the monitoring schedule of each TSQM elements' activities and