income ratio 21.2% 21.3% 23.2% (0.1)% (2.0)% 22.2% 23.5% (1.3)% Expense to operating income ratio 43.5% 42.8% 41.9% 0.7% 1.6% 42.1% 42.8% (0.7)% Return on average assets * 1.14% 1.16% 1.06% (0.02)% 0.08
% Feedstock3 957 853 847 13% 3,517 3,124 13% Core EBITDA4 326 256 219 49% 1,112 859 29% PET 116 91 57 105% 356 278 28% Fibers 55 53 46 21% 218 197 10% Feedstock 151 116 117 29% 535 373 43% Core EBIT 230 156 139
(loss) (290) (179) (158) 84% (195) 459 (142%) EBITDA 6,419 8,616 15,641 (59%) 31,364 48,096 (35%) Depreciation and amortization 4,275 4,309 3,831 12% 16,739 13,393 25% Operating income 2,144 4,306 11,810
% (25)% Depreciation and amortization 5,228 4,880 4,309 7% 21% Operating income 1,203 1,185 4,306 1% (72)% Share of profit/(loss) from JV 66 15 (5) 339% - Extraordinary income/ (expenses)3 14 1,630 (193
% Foreign exchange gain (loss) (362) 74 99 (588)% (466)% EBITDA 6,066 5,486 8,393 11% (28)% Depreciation and amortization 4,880 4,464 3,986 9% 22% Operating income 1,185 1,022 4,407 16% (73)% Share of profit
interest margin 2.48% 2.46% 2.34% 0.02% 0.14% Net fees and service income to operating income ratio 23.9% 24.3% 24.1% (0.4)% (0.2)% Expense to operating income ratio 42.6% 56.2% 39.9% (13.6)% 2.7% Return on
% EBITDA 2,112 4,116 4,951 20% 134% Depreciation and amortization (690) (2,080) (2,074) (0%) 201% EBIT 1,422 2,036 2,877 41% 102% Finance costs (372) (1,197) (1,041) (13%) 180% Other non-operating income and
)% 11,457 10,193 12% Operating income 4,524 6,213 5,444 (17)% 19,845 11,065 79% (3) Share of profit/(loss) from JV (120) 146 (44) 170% (76) (343) (78)% (4) Extraordinary income/ (expenses) (88) (27) 2,485
)% EBITDA 10,023 7,399 7,416 35% 33,909 24,171 40% Depreciation and amortization 3,132 2,875 2,837 10% 11,752 10,632 11% Operating income 6,891 4,524 4,579 50% 22,156 13,540 64% (3) Share of profit/(loss
fees and service income to operating income ratio 21.2% 23.9% 21.3% (2.7)% (0.1)% 22.5% 22.7% (0.2)% Expense to operating income ratio 45.3% 42.6% 42.8% 2.6% 2.4% 44.0% 41.4% 2.6% Return on average