% 2.14 2.46 14.95% Earnings before Interest and taxes 14.77 49.12 95.17 544.35% 93.75% 86.21 144.29 67.37% Financial expense (0.61) (0.56) (0.38) -37.70% -32.14% (1.11) (0.94) -15.32% Profit before income
, the Company’s net profit decreased by 38.61% to Baht 41.46 million as compared to Baht 67.54 million in the comparable quarter in 2018. For the first 9 months of 2019, the Company had recorded the net
reversal of deferred tax assets. Financial Ratios Q2 2020 Q2 2019 Gross profit margin 18.9% 20.7% Net profit margin 8.5% 14.3% Debt to Equity ratio 0.18 0.10 Earnings per share 0.26 0.57 ROA 6.1% 12.2% ROE
: The Company had profit for the 2nd quarter ended June 30, 2020 in the amount of Baht 6.83 million (earnings per share of Baht 0.68), compared to the same quarter of last year which had profit of Baht
profit of Baht 6 million; an increase of Baht 68 million in term of profit compared to Q2/2019, which has a net loss of Baht 62 million. According to the declining of contract revenue, most major projects
170.45 142.90 27.54 Gross profit margin 15.33% 13.51% 1.82% Other income 4.77 3.67 1.09 Selling expenses 2.66 4.73 (2.07) Administrative expenses 80.76 84.95 (4.19) Earnings before interest and tax 91.79
0.06 -6.81 -3.63 Gross Margin 28.25 10.73 25.35 14.62 136.25 -2.90 -10.27 Admin Expenses 10.85 11.10 33.92 22.82 205.59 23.07 212.63 Selling Expenses 3.84 3.36 9.18 5.82 173.21 5.34 139.06 Net Profit
Profit /(Loss) 12.63 -0.97 -19.08 -18.10 1,862.55 -31.71 -251.05 Gross Profit Margin (%) 13.09 5.61 12.30 6.69 119.37 -0.79 -6.04 Unit : Million Baht Q1/17 Q4/17 Q1/18 Change +/(-) QoQ % YoY % Current
50.28 25.89% Gross profit margin 15.47% 13.76% Other income 5.33 4.73 Selling expenses 3.36 9.99 (6.63) -66.39% Administrative expenses 111.43 108.51 2.92 2.69% Earnings before interest and tax 135.08
2,097.62 1,600.35 Selling & Administrative Expense 127.83 116.99 Finance Costs 24.24 22.96 Net Profit 101.40 (18.95) Earnings per share (Baht) 0.25 (0.047) The company will explain the cause of change as