inside information regarding securities issuers; (4) clear scope of work, duties and responsibility of executives and units. Clause 4/1.8 A securities company shall have independent director of at least
, duties and responsibility of executives and units. Clause 4/1. A securities company shall have independent director of at least one-forth of its board of directors. In case the independent director
characteristics of such risks as well as the causative circumstances and potential impacts thereof (display numerical assessment results, if possible), tendency or probability of occurrence. Supplementary
characteristics of such risks as well as the causative circumstances and potential impacts thereof (display numerical assessment results, if possible), tendency or probability of occurrence. Supplementary
training by IOD). The structure has check and balance system: Independent directors and the audit committee are independent pursuant to the rules. Independent directors are ≥ one-third of the total number
auditor supervision as the auditor's role of independent professional is fundamental to investor confidence in publicly disclosed corporate financial information. The Securities and Exchange Act of 1992
responsibilities Remuneration Qualifications and Term of Office Q: What are the difference between audit committee and independent committee? A: Audit committee are directors who are appointed by the company's
รวมถงึการใชร้ะบบ การบรหิารโครงข่ายแบบอตัโนมตั ิ(Autonomous network) ที่จะช่วยให้การใช้งบลงทุนในโครงข่ายและต้นทุนโครงข่ายมปีระสทิธภิาพสงูขึน้ ทัง้นี้ เนื่องจากเอไอ เอสตัง้เป้าในการเป็นผู้น าในบริการ 5G
(Digital Life Service Provider) สู่ Cognitive Tech-Co ดว้ยการพฒันารากฐานส าคญั 3 แกน ไดแ้ก่ โครงขา่ยอตัโนมตัิ (Autonomous Network), ระบบไอทอีจัฉรยิะ (IT Intelligence) และ การวเิคราะหข์อ้มลู (Data Analytics
board‟s responsibilities inherently demand the exercise of objective, independent judgement. However, given the ownership structure in Asia, directors often remain appointees of controlling shareholders