responsible according to the concession agreement (same amount of interest income as described above). However, if not included this transaction, financial cost decreased by Baht 189 Million from principle
agreement in the contract. In order to deal with this issue, land requirement and wastewater tariff will be significantly increased. However, MCDC could not both provide additional land area and accept for
unpaid rental fees between the tenants and KPM. In order to complete the transaction, the Company is required to solve the issues of outstanding unpaid rental fees and the future rental fees of the lessees
Confidential information CRAs should maintain in confidence all non-public information communicated to them by any issuer, or its agents, under the terms of a confidentiality agreement or otherwise under a
• Acquiring Glow Energy Public Company Limited or GLOW as a significant step of GPSC On 20th June 2018, GPSC had signed the share purchase agreement with Engie Global Developments B.V. to purchase 69.11% shares
the entering into the asset purchase agreement 01/03/2021 07:53 Report on the Connected Transaction of the entering into the use of wallet service agreement for issuing and offering digital tokens 01/03
Regarding Renew land rental agreement - PJC (Revise) 04/02/2020 08:18 Disclosure of Connected Transaction Information Regarding Renew land rental agreement - PJC 04/02/2020 08:17 Disclosure of Connected
51.31% to 50.92%. However, the Company continues to closely monitor to reduce the food waste and for purchasing to deal with new suppliers for better deal in term of better price, volume and credit term
?FILEID=dat/news/201911/19107583.pdf PowerPoint Presentation ได้รับรำงวัล Power Deal of the Year - Highly Commended โดย The Asset หลังจำกได้ออกหุ้นกู้ เป็นคร้ังแรกในเดือนกันยำยน 2560 ท่ีผ่ำนมำ เมื่อเดือน
จริง บลจ. ก ไทย มี บลจ. ก สิงคโปร์ ถือหุ้นอยู่ 100% ต่อมาจะมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงโครงสร้างผู้ถือหุ้น ซึ่ง deal ทุกอย่างจะแล้วเสร็จประมาณเดือนกันยายน 2560 ประเด็นหารือ