อัตราส่วนการลงทุนตามภาคผนวกนี้ใช้ส าหรับการลงทุนของกองทุน AI เพื่อให้เป็นไปตาม อัตราส่วนการลงทุนในเร่ืองต่าง ๆ ดังนี้ 1. single entity limit (ไม่ใช้กับกองทุนรวมส าหรับผู้ลงทุนในต่างประเทศ) 2. group limit (ไม่
างประเทศ ที่ไดรับ rating (ขอ 53) 2 อันดับแรก (Issue size limit 20% ของแตละ issue สําหรับ กองทุนเปด ยกเวนกองทุนเปด auto redemption ) No company limit (2) ตราสารภาครัฐตางประเทศที่ไดรับ rating
revenue from export and indirect export. Quite the reverse, revenue from feed segment dropped by THB 217.50 million or 19.49% down from 3Q2016 mostly from lower revenue from animal feed and aqua feed. The
shall not contain terms and conditions contrary to or in contravention of Section 31 of the Trust for Transactions in Capital Market Act B.E. 2550 (2007) and the Notification issued by virtue of such law
increased by 12.3% compared to average revenue generated per out-patients visits. On the contrary, the proportion of revenues incurred compared to number of in-patients was decreased by 0.9%. Cost of Hospital
representative specifying the rights and the duties of the management company and the representative that are not contrary or opposed to the law on securities and exchange and relevant rules issued by virtue of
of a representative specifying the rights and the duties of the management company and the representative that are not contrary or opposed to the law on securities and exchange and relevant rules
follows: (1) having an agreement, in writing, for appointment of a representative specifying the rights and the duties of the management company and the representative that are not contrary or opposed to
declined by 4.6%, on the contrary, Out-patients department inclined by 7.3%. The proporation of In-patients in the Q1/2018 and Q1/2019 were 69% and 67% respectively, decreasing by 2%. The number of both in
waiver is neither inconsistent with nor contrary to the rules relating to the protection of the investors in the host country where such mutual fund offers investment units for sale; Clause 11 In the case