seminar, the SEC will have a follow-up questionnaire to survey the readiness of securities business operators and derivatives brokers for compliance with IFRS/IAS and to gather the problems and concerns of
seminar, the SEC will have a follow-up questionnaire to survey the readiness of securities business operators and derivatives brokers for compliance with IFRS/IAS and to gather the problems and concerns of
the offering of capital shares to the group of persons and the price thereof as mentioned above to gather complete information before making a decision and passing a resolution
submit comments via the SEC website or email: and The public hearing ends on 27 March 2021. The SEC will also conduct a live talk to gather public opinions on the
SEC later conducted a public hearing to gather views and suggestions on the matter from stakeholders during February – March 2023. The finalized amendment to the equity allocation regulations* has
Revision (%YoY) of Selected Sectors Forward P/E In certain sectors, Forward EPS estimates have been revised upward and their Forward P/E ratios were below the 5-year average. Source: Bloomberg, data as of
cooperation among the four agencies will help clarify news and rumor to the public more efficiently and promptly. This is because we can contact the right agency and the right person. Please be assured that
decrease in income from insurance business. Our coverage ratio rose over-year, while gross NPL ratio decreased slightly from the end of 2017, despite the deteriorating quality of loans granted to certain
customers and can draw customers’ attraction dramatically. Therefore, the Company is confident that our digital media will generate very good revenue for the Company in the future. 3.4.4 The risk of reliance
products and service with best attention for enhancing their personality to be confident as well as to aware of taking good care in skin care, healthy body and mind, own happiness and the accompany. Revenue