to curfew, and the launch of new product. The upcoming relief of the preventive measures of COVID-19 is expected to improve the company’s revenue and performance. However, as the investment in Absolute
year. Domestic demand increased by 19.1% to 231,189 units due to improved economic activity following an easing of coronavirus restrictions and relief measures. The Bangkok International Motor Show event
องค์ประกอบที่เกี่ยวข้องและขยายระยะเวลาการเปิดเผยข้อมูลบางส่วนได้ (transition relief) อาทิ การพิจารณาขยายระยะเวลาการเปิดเผยข้อมูลการปลอ่ย GHG scope 3 ที่ตอ้งใช้ทักษะในการเก็บข้อมูลนี้ออกไปมากกว่า 1 ป
pressure to meet directly with board members on sustainability topics of mutual concern. The pressures on investors to increase their levels of engagement with companies (and also with regulators and other
year. However, the Company has concern about the maintaining gross profit margin, so that the marketing activities has been arranged to emphasize FN brand awareness with sales plan improvement and
%, respectively. Gross profits improved from higher proportion of house brand product sales compared to previous period. However, the Company has concern about the maintaining gross profit margin, emphasizing FN
represented 42.44% and 41.88% respectively, as a result of increase in proportion of other brand sales and arranging more promotion and marketing events to promote sales volume. However, the Company has concern
บัญชีนั้น ตั้งอยู บนสมมติฐานหลักการ on-going concern ในขณะที่หลักการของ NC ตั้งอยู บนสมมติฐานวาบริษัทไมสามารถดํารงอยูตอไปไดและตองมีสินทรัพยเพียง พอที่จะชําระคืนตอเจาหนี ้ เห็นดวยตามที่ผู
29 October 2019 At: ACC/HO 023/19 Re: Management Discussion and Analysis for the Quarter of 3/2019 To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand In the third quarter of 2019, there were concern on the
its curated deals • An ICO portal may invest in its curated ICOs. While this could enhance the confidence of the investors, there is a concern that the ICO portal may have superior information and have