comprehensive risk management principles and policies, a risk-aware culture Bank-wide, as well as good corporate governance. All of the above endeavors and satisfactory operating performance, together with sound
Management Business.” 4.1 Net profit and Total Comprehensive Income for Q4/2019 and year ended December, 31 2019 Consolidated Unit: Baht million 2019 2018 Change (% yoy) Q4-19 Change (%qoq) Change (% yoy
%) Total Comprehensive Income 21.07 7.24 13.83 190.99% 81.20 74.15 7.05 9.50% The operating results of the separated financial statement for second quarter period ended June 30, 2019, resulted in increase in
% Total Comprehensive Income 36.65 13.29 23.36 175.71% 143.05 72.06 70.99 98.52% The operating results of the consolidated financial statement for the third quarter period ended September 30, 2018, resulted
) (89.82%) (20.90) (28.14) (7.24) (25.72%) Total Comprehensive Income 2.58 29.53 (26.95) (91.26%) 83.78 103.68 (19.90) (19.20%) The operating results of the separated financial statement for third quarter
period 16.69 23.21 6.52 39.06% 48.17 74.27 26.10 54.18% Other comprehensive income - - - N/A - - - N/A Total comprehensive income for the period 16.69 23.21 6.52 39.06% 48.17 74.27 26.10 54.18% Gross
comprehensive income - - - N/A - - - N/A Total comprehensive income for the period (0.83) 8.15 8.98 -1078.65% 1.10 14.59 13.50 1231.12% Gross profit margin 20.26% 28.91% 20.77% 28.65% Net profit margin -1.34
% Other comprehensive income - - - N/A - - - N/A Total comprehensive income for the period 9.95 10.95 1.00 10.02% 11.05 25.54 14.49 131.20% Gross profit margin 26.22% 31.51% 23.06% 29.60% Net profit margin
year remains uncertain, depending on the domestic COVID-19 containment and the hope of getting a thorough vaccination program. For the overall Group's business operations, in the first quarter of 2021
the Financial Statements of Advanced Connection Corporation Public Company Limited (“the Company”) and its subsidiaries for the 9-month ended September 30, 2017, appear as comprehensive net loss 15.34