. Collaboration. Tesco Sustainability-Linked Bond Framework4 Climate Change. In our Little Helps Plan, we highlight climate change as the biggest environmental challenge the world faces, affecting our own
GDP meanwhile income and wages did not exhibit high growth rates. However, most of retailer concerned about that and recognized that the consumers concentrated on conservative spending by limited only
. Merchandise and services exports were expected to exhibit slower growth than the previous assessment. Tourism sector was also expected to expand slower. Private consumption was expected to be weighed down due
recent G20/OECD recommendations. Topics valued by international investors such as ESG and risk management may be included in a revision. It thus presents a challenge for Thai listed companies to learn and
abnormal trading volume and exhibit more lottery features. Volatility and Skewness The relationship between asset prices and volatility measures has been explored and reported using several different proxies
scales over time, with increasing severity and scope of impacts. Climate systems may exhibit thresholds and tipping points that result in large, long-term, abrupt, and possibly irreversible changes. 10
implement short- term speculative trading strategy than other types of market participants. • Retail investors tend to exhibit a higher degree of cognitive biases such as the prospect theory (Tversky and
sustainable growth. The company has adjusted the stock management to be more efficiency in order to response to the economic and challenge surrounding situations. Moreover, the Company plan for a road map in
เข้ำใจ และท ำใหเ้ห็นควำมส ำคัญของกำรใช้นวัตกรรมในกำรใหบ้ริกำร อย่ำงต่อเนื่อง เชน่ โครงกำร FinTech Challenge เปน็ต้น ซ่ึงจะเป็น ประโยชน์ต่อผู้ทีท่ดสอบอยู่ใน Sandbox ต่อไป ขอขอบคุณผู้ร่วมแสดงควำมคิดเห็น
ตระหนักเกี่ยวกับเทคโนโลยีทางการเงิน (FinTech) ในตลาดทุน ผ่านการจัดงาน Fintech Forum 6 คร้ัง 3.3.2. จัดประกวด FinTech Challenge program ที่ร่วมมือกับหลายภาคส่วนท้ังรัฐและเอกชน โดยมีผู้เข้าร่วมโครงการจ านวน