has gains on bargain purchases in Marvel Pack 0.9 mil. As a result, the Company’s equity interest in Marvel Pack 100%. Mil THB Profit sharingTKS Gains on purchases 100% in Marvel Pack TBSP Marvel Pack
% - - 2. South East Asia University 3,400,000 10% 3,400,000 10% 3. Ms.Duangkamol Chotana 1 - 1 - 4. A person who buys NU share from NMG - - 30,599,999 90% Total 34,000,000 100.00% 34,000,000 100.00
paid upon later agreed contract. 5.2 Machine and equipment value approximately 35-50 million, payment term will be later determined with each supplier. 6. Value of acquires asset (approximately) Value of
year where GWM manufactured and later distribute hemodialysis solution around the end of July 2017 which directly lead to increase in performance for the early of 2018. The company acquires GWM share
combined with the quarterly financial statement ended on 31 December 2018, but the combination in this year acquires entire 12-month turnovers in the collective financial statement including the high
Including the administrative expenses of the property development business from the purchases in last quarter of 2017. 4. Bad debts and doubtful accounts decreased from the previous year by Baht 10. 57
agreement between buyer and seller. The company consideres the price from nearly area and pays back at preferable price. This land sell and purchase agreement has condition that if the man who purchases
mainly resulting from loss result of the forward contract (FX Forward) in order to hedge foreign exchange risk of transactions payments of raw material and machinery purchases in foreign currency
registered capital. The detail of Muengloie-Ram(s shareholders (after Ram purchases remainder share). Name of share holders Number of shares % registered share 1. Ramkhamhaeng Hospital Public Co.,Ltd
purchases : - 2 - ส ำนักงำน : 256 ถ.พหลโยธิน แขวงสำมเสนใน เขตพญำไท จ.กรุงเทพฯ 10400 โทรศัพท์: 02-278-1777 โทรสำร (ส่วนกลำง): 02-279-7195 โทรสำร (กำรเงิน): 02-279-8200 ฝ่ำยขนส่งและคลังสินค้ำ : 66/23-24 หมู่ 12