“Investment through its indirect wholly-owned subsidiary in a beverage company” and disclosure letter no. CS 14/2019 dated 7 June 2019 named “Capital increase in a subsidiary and additional investment in
. Hotel Business reported a slight decrease from Owned Hotel business due to a decrease in revenue from the loss in exchange when translating financial statements of owned hotels overseas following
2018, the Board of Directors’ meeting no. 2/2561 unanimously resolved to close down Jutha Phakakrong Shipping Company Pte., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. Details of which is as follows
its subsidiaries companies: Company Business Relationship with AEONTS AEON Credit Service Systems (Philippines) Inc. (“AEON Systems”) System Development - AEON System is 90% owned by AFS - AEON System
River Kwai International food PLC. Is 99.99% owned by Agripure Holding Co., Ltd under Mr. Suredpon Jungrungruangkit, who is Chairman and Authorized Director. Moreover, it is 35.36% to be owned by
related entities The Principles and Guidelines on Corporate Governance for State Owned Enterprises 2019 (Thai Version Only) Qualifications and appropriateness of the professionals (The Office of
related entities The Principles and Guidelines on Corporate Governance for State Owned Enterprises 2019 (Thai Version Only) Qualifications and appropriateness of the professionals (The Office of
Act of 1992 with the following offences: (1) For her responsibility over PICNI operations in 2004 when she jointly made changes to the contracts to let bottling plants owned by her families or under her
with the following offences: (1) For his responsibility over PICNI operations in 2004 when he jointly made changes to the contracts to let bottling plants owned by his families or under his control rent
was of Bt338.3 million 2.2.2 Long term loan from banks, which are due within one year, was of Bt422.8 million which were belonged to BAFS at the amount of Bt285.9 million and belonged to TARCO and FPT