significant rise to the world’s 3rd highest rank with 86 scores, from No. 15 with 75 scores in the preceding year. Such development was a result of the improvement in the Ease of Shareholder Suits Index
inconsistent with the normal market condition, causing the price of KIAT share to rise from 7.75 baht to 15.60 baht. The 13 offenders are (1) Mr. Kiatichai Monsereenusorn, (2) Mr. Nam Cholsaipan, (3) Mr
share to rise from 7.75 baht to 15.60 baht. The 13 offenders are (1) Mr. Kiatichai Monsereenusorn, (2) Mr. Nam Cholsaipan, (3) Mr. Suppawut Maneerin, (4) Miss Sani Jiewjinda, (5) Mr. Yos Thanarakchoke, (6
to rise from 7.75 baht to 15.60 baht. The 13 offenders are (1) Mr. Kiatichai Monsereenusorn, (2) Mr. Nam Cholsaipan, (3) Mr. Suppawut Maneerin, (4) Miss Sani Jiewjinda, (5) Mr. Yos Thanarakchoke, (6
rise from 7.75 baht to 15.60 baht. The 13 offenders are (1) Mr. Kiatichai Monsereenusorn, (2) Mr. Nam Cholsaipan, (3) Mr. Suppawut Maneerin, (4) Miss Sani Jiewjinda, (5) Mr. Yos Thanarakchoke, (6) Mrs
to rise from 7.75 baht to 15.60 baht. The 13 offenders are (1) Mr. Kiatichai Monsereenusorn, (2) Mr. Nam Cholsaipan, (3) Mr. Suppawut Maneerin, (4) Miss Sani Jiewjinda, (5) Mr. Yos Thanarakchoke, (6
competitive landscape remains challenging. We saw particular weakness in the steel sector as uncertainty led to reduced production and after a record sugar season in 2018 this sector has been behind our
Thailand is behind other countries in South East Asian. In 2018, retail industry growth only at 3.9% per annual. The Company engages in retail rental space for retailer more than 1,500 client and operate 3
payables following the rise of main raw material prices. Accordingly, the total shareholders’ equity amounted to 3 ,3 1 5 .6 1 million baht, expanded by 114.80 million baht. These brought about the Company’s
recognition from its completion within this period. 2. Cost of construction increases in the amount of Baht 31.52 million or 38.13% when compared to the same period of the year 2016 which is related to the rise