SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said, “As I have taken a job as head of SEC since early May, I commit myself to work closely with SET on holistic approach in order to enhance
, leading to more inclusive and equitable practices.”The workshop sought to create an enabling environment across capital market ecosystems on the business and human rights approach, and to strengthen the
ความเห็น ดังนี้1.กรณีที่บริษัทมีฐานะสัญญาซื้อขายล่วงหน้า (“อนุพันธ์”) ที่นอกเหนือจากการ long option นั้น บริษัทจะต้องคำนวณค่าความเสี่ยงตามวิธี standardised approach2.ในการคำนวณค่า
mutual fund issue and deliver certifying documentation of rights over investment units? And how? (b) In what cases and conditions may the rights of the mutual fund unit holders be restricted and how? In
needed for its business model. This approach could support future entry of all types of securities businesses and increase the number of intermediaries who could render more convenient services to
of TFRS 9 Financial Instruments by applying the Simplified Approach รn measuring the expected credit loss, the loss is expected to be incurred over the life of the debt and the loss is recognized since
services, markets, operations, and value chains, among others. Longer time horizons and long-lived effects Some climate-related risks exist and play out over time horizons that stretch beyond traditional
ที1 over hedge (คาํนวณจาก notional value / NAV) ไปคาํนวณรวมใน derivatives limit ตาม commitment approach ดว้ย (2) การคาํนวณ counterparty limit ที1ใหมี้การ netting สัญญาภายใตคู้่สัญญาเดียวกนัได ้ทาํให
as oil, gold, or coffee. Consolidation approach: The identification of companies, businesses, organizations etc. for inclusion within the reporting boundary of the responding organization is known as
Investment by CPNREIT 1. Leasehold/sub-leasehold rights over immovable properties (partial building and structures, excluding land) for a term of approximately 15 years in which the leasehold rights shall