and maintenance A) The second runway and the taxiway that related with the second runway B) Apron Taxiway for aircraft maintenance center (B) Other supporting work for U-Tapao International Airport 1
) (Efficient Portfolio Management) . . . / . . . (Reverse Repo) (non-investment grade) / (Unrated Securities) 20 AIA-GAA 2 • 20 (Active Management) / / / / ( / REIT ) 90 % 10 % ? 1. AIA New Multinationals Fund
) ? / / / / ( ) 2 80 79 79 . 25 . . . (Circle Investment) (Cascade Investment) (Derivatives) (Hedging) (Derivatives) (Efficient Portfolio Management) . . . / . . . (Reverse Repo) (Non-Investment Grade) / (Unrated
) . . . / . . . (Reverse Repo) (non-investment grade) / (Unrated Securities) 20 20 AIA-GMA 2 • (Active Management) / / / / ( / REIT ) 60 % 40 % ? 2. AIA New Multinationals Fund AIA Investment Management Private Limited
; + OI/ $$ *:$$)G/ก$ $$ G +* (non Q investment grade) 95/ / $$ ++* :ก$ D**:$$)G (Unrated) B*,D5+ ; + OI/ $$ $O $, $9H (Structured Note) ก D5) $ $O $, $ (Derivatives) B*, /G 5.)- ก$) , (Hedging) D$ก
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$ -,.) @)ก ก $A B + NF/ $$ *9$$(E/ก$ $$ E +* (non P investment grade) 80/ / $$ ++* 9ก$ A**9$$(E (Unrated) ?*,A0+ B + NF/ $$ $N $, $8G (Structured Note) ก A0( $ $N $, $ (Derivatives) ?*, /E 0.(- ก
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