wide-coverage distribution that reaches almost all regions of Vietnam will help expand the Company’s business in Vietnam. 1,533 1,741 1,760 1,507 1,515 1,370 1,500 1,531 110 143 161 117 118 61 78 28 0 20
Targets Publish a formal statement recognizing that climate change presents new and material challenges (e.g. Physical Climate Risk) and requires an organization- wide commitment to integrating related
เปล่ียนนโยบำยกำรลงทุน ซ่ึงกำรปรับปรุงหลกัเกณฑด์งักล่ำวตอ้งท ำควบคู่ กบักำรใหค้วำมรู้แก่ FC และสมำชิก เพื่อใหส้มำชิก “ออมใหม้ำกข้ึน ออมให้นำนข้ึน และออมใหเ้ป็น” 1 ระดบัสังคมผูสู้งอำยโุดยสมบูรณ์ (Aged
subsidiaries’ hotel assets have aged after a certain period of time, which potentially causing an adverse impact on operational performance and profitability. Consequently, the Company has established a plan to
wide acceptance and recognition at home and abroad. C Contents Page Executive Summary A 1. Overview of Operating Environment 1 1.1 Global and Thai Economy in the Second Quarter of 2018 1 1.2 Banking
, registering a growth of 45% QoQ and 21% YoY), positive contract adjustments and inventory gains Our company-wide cost and business transformation, Project Olympus, yielded US$67M during the quarter, on track
-Committees 1. The Audit Committee 10,000 15,000 2. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee - 15,000 3. Enterprise-wide Risk Management Committee - 15,000 4. Corporate Governance Committee - 15,000 5. Other
term. In addition to achieving revenue growth, the company-wide cost optimization is ongoing and translated into EBITDA expansion of +9% YoY and +2.4% QoQ to stand at Bt18,905mn, a reported margin of
has cost competitiveness and will enhance the Company’s production base for emerging markets in Southeast Asia, while LQSF’s wide-coverage distribution that reaches almost all regions of Vietnam will
alignment with the Company’s direction of focusing on health-driven products. Second R – Reorganize: The Company is preparing for future growth with an organization-wide restructuring. Executives will be