Targets Publish a formal statement recognizing that climate change presents new and material challenges (e.g. Physical Climate Risk) and requires an organization- wide commitment to integrating related
เปล่ียนนโยบำยกำรลงทุน ซ่ึงกำรปรับปรุงหลกัเกณฑด์งักล่ำวตอ้งท ำควบคู่ กบักำรใหค้วำมรู้แก่ FC และสมำชิก เพื่อใหส้มำชิก “ออมใหม้ำกข้ึน ออมให้นำนข้ึน และออมใหเ้ป็น” 1 ระดบัสังคมผูสู้งอำยโุดยสมบูรณ์ (Aged
subsidiaries’ hotel assets have aged after a certain period of time, which potentially causing an adverse impact on operational performance and profitability. Consequently, the Company has established a plan to
wide acceptance and recognition at home and abroad. C Contents Page Executive Summary A 1. Overview of Operating Environment 1 1.1 Global and Thai Economy in the Second Quarter of 2018 1 1.2 Banking
, registering a growth of 45% QoQ and 21% YoY), positive contract adjustments and inventory gains Our company-wide cost and business transformation, Project Olympus, yielded US$67M during the quarter, on track
-Committees 1. The Audit Committee 10,000 15,000 2. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee - 15,000 3. Enterprise-wide Risk Management Committee - 15,000 4. Corporate Governance Committee - 15,000 5. Other
term. In addition to achieving revenue growth, the company-wide cost optimization is ongoing and translated into EBITDA expansion of +9% YoY and +2.4% QoQ to stand at Bt18,905mn, a reported margin of
has cost competitiveness and will enhance the Company’s production base for emerging markets in Southeast Asia, while LQSF’s wide-coverage distribution that reaches almost all regions of Vietnam will
alignment with the Company’s direction of focusing on health-driven products. Second R – Reorganize: The Company is preparing for future growth with an organization-wide restructuring. Executives will be
demand in key cities. EBITDA margin is expected to improve and be in a range of 45-47%, underpinned by better revenue momentum and controlled costs, particularly network OPEX from company-wide cost