including any other future obligations of the Company and/or subsidiaries. Such dividend shall not adversely affect the Company and subsidiaries ongoing operations. Disclaimer Some statements made in this
shall not adversely affect the Company and subsidiaries ongoing operations. Disclaimer Some statements made in this material are forward-looking statements with the relevant assumptions, which are subject
future obligations of the Company and/or subsidiaries. Such dividend shall not adversely affect the Company and subsidiaries ongoing operations. Disclaimer Some statements made in this material are forward
including any other future obligations of the Company and/or subsidiaries. Such dividend shall not adversely affect the Company and subsidiaries ongoing operations. Disclaimer Some statements made in this
, investment plan including any other future obligations of the Company and/or subsidiaries. Such dividend shall not adversely affect the Company and subsidiaries ongoing operations. Disclaimer Some statements
Company and/or subsidiaries. Such dividend shall not adversely affect the Company and subsidiaries ongoing operations. Disclaimer Some statements made in this material are forward- looking statements with
payment shall depend on cash flow, investment plan including any other future obligations of the Company and/or subsidiaries. Such dividend shall not adversely affect the Company and subsidiaries ongoing
financial statements. In all cases, dividend payment shall depend on cash flow, investment plan including any other future obligations of the Company and/or subsidiaries. Such dividend shall not adversely
Company had to resort to very competitive pricing which impacted the EBITDA adversely. On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization declared the Coronavirus (“COVID-19”) outbreak as a pandemic which
depend on cash flow, investment plan including any other future obligations of the Company and /or subsidiaries. Such dividend shall not adversely affect the Company and subsidiaries ongoing operations