establishment, market development had concentrated more on the secondary market where trading of transferable securities was the main activity than the budding primary market where businesses issued securities
Consumer Behaviour Business Activity Location Green Economy National Digital ID Digital Transformation S M E s F o rm ai lz at io n & T ec h n ol og y T ra n sf or m at io n ฿ Gr ee n Fin anc ing & Di gi ta
in the Corruption Risk Management Systems Assessment 2023 and higher score in the Integrity and Transparency Assessment 2024 see more > Activity see more > 07/08/2024 SEC joins a wreath-laying ceremony
of digital asset based on the ‘same activity, same risk, same regulatory outcome’ principle, and to comply with international regulatory standards. Under this proposal, the principal’s points are as
in the Corruption Risk Management Systems Assessment 2023 and higher score in the Integrity and Transparency Assessment 2024 see more > Activity see more > 07/08/2024 SEC joins a wreath-laying ceremony
ตนเท่านั้น activity ดังกล่าวจึงไม่อาจถือได้ว่าผู้จัดการดำเนินการกำลังให้บริการเป็น PF และเมื่อไม่เป็น PF แล้ว แม้จะกระทำการในฐานะเป็นตัวแทนของ investor club ก็ไม่อาจพิจารณาได้ว่า investor club
Centre on ICMA’s website. Material KPIs should be consistent with the issuer’s strategy and reference a core, significant and relevant business activity, for which the outcomes are actually under the
other. In this regard, the SEC implements the oversight principle of “same activity, same risk, same rule,” and allocates resources to build investors’ knowledge and understanding on a continuing basis
&A activity, sales & marketing expenses for the launch of new residential projects, write-off/impairment of asset, one-time income/expense, etc. Total Revenues In 3Q17, Singha Estate reported
FY2016 FY2017 % YoY(Unit: 4Q16 3Q17 Note: 1 includes gain (loss) from foreign exchange rate, professional fees in relation to M&A activity, sales & marketing expenses for the launch of new