contact the ECD Police at 0-2237-1199 to reinforce further legal proceedings.? ?If you have been solicited to invest in derivatives on gold and crude oil, for instance, with considerably high return on
Solicitation or advice on securities or derivatives investment based on the value of the underlying asset such as gold price/crude oil price/agricultural products by an unlicensed company. ● Information of
(attributable to owners of the Company) of THB 5,963.28 million, increasing by THB 375.68 million. The increase is owing to the commencement of commercial operation of Mount Emerald Wind Farm Project and
1.03 เหรยีญสหรฐัฯ ต่อ บาร์เรล โดยได้แรงกดดนัจากการจ ากัดการผลิตและส่งออกน ้ามนัดิบชนิดหนัก (Heavy Sour Crude) ของกลุ่มโอเปกหลงั ด าเนินการตามความร่วมมอืในการปรบัลดก าลงัการผลติน ้ามนั และเมื่อเปรยีบเทยี
......................................................................................................... 50 4.1.1. การผลิตพลังงานแสงอาทิตย์ (Solar energy generation) ......................................... 51 4.1.2. การผลิตพลังงานลม (Wind energy generation
investment. Since the crude oil prices gradually increased in line with the global economic recovery and OPEC continued its descending crude oil production. This affected the Company’s raw material prices
Crude Palm Oil Trading Business Group 1. Revenue from sales and services - CPOA CPOA business of the Company in the amount of 303.33 million baht due to the capital increase as working capital in CPOA
Steel Association’s report on world crude steel production was 426.6 Mt in the first three months of 2018, up by 4.1% compared to the same period in 2017. Asia produced 294.1 Mt of crude steel, an
1Q2020, overall palm oil production in both domestic and international market declined due to the significant impact of drought on agriculture. According to Department of Internal Trade, local crude palm
of biodiesel is increased by 130.54%, where the price of crude palm oil (main raw material) in the 2nd quarter of 2020 has an average price of 22,000 Baht/ton, which is higher than in the 2nd quarter