been a change in the necessary circumstances as provided in the first paragraph, the Minister upon the recommendation of the SEC may modify or change the conditions already specified.
been a change in the necessary circumstances as provided in the first paragraph, the Minister upon the recommendation of the SEC may modify or change the conditions already specified.
Assistance (Addition) and Change of Company Director 28/10/2021 18:00 Interim omitted Dividend, Notification of Entering into a Connected Transaction Regarding the Receipt of Financial Assistance and Change of
forms / manuals SHARE : Detail Content Download forms / man uals Application for Registration / Change of Information in Company Account Form Manual Application for Termination of
recognize share of profits from Nava Nakorn Electricity Generating Company Limited (NNEG). Operating highlight in Q4/2017 and 2017 Q4/16 Q3/17 Q4/17 Change +/(-) 2016 2017 Change +/(-) (THB million) QoQ YoY
continuity with suitability, reliability and effectiveness in order that the intermediaries are able to service with the best interest of customers and that the intermediary’s personnel are able to work
แบบแสดงราการข้อมูลประจำปี Notification of the change of the audit firm Date..... .........................…. Dear Secretary General of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand I would like
preventive maintenance, increased spending on Opex & Capex and prepared adequate stocking of critical spares. These actions will continue and will ensure better equipment health and reliability in the coming
increase in Ft rate. Q3/2018 Financial and Operating Highlights * ไม่รวมต้นทุนค่าเสื่อมราคาและค่าตัดจ าหน่าย Operating highlight in Q3/2018 Q3/17 Q2/18 Q3/18 Change +/(-) 9M/17 9M/18 Change +/(-) (THB
Highlights in Q2/2019 1 Q2/18 Q1/19 Q2/19 Change +/(-) 1H/18 1H/19 Change+/(-) (Unit: Million Baht) QoQ YoY Operating revenue 6,587 9,067 19,990 120% 203% 12,329 29,057 136% Gross Profit 1,836 2,493 6,011 141