reference. Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. Kor Thor 18/2563 Re: Determination of Types of Financial Services of Person Approved to Participate in Regulatory Sandbox to Experiment
on 20 September 2019, which approved the determination of the date of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No.1/2019 to be held on 28 November 2019 at 13.00 p.m. at Srinakarin 1 Room, 9th
Business 20/07/2020 16/08/2020 3. Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission  Kor Thor. 19/2563 Determination of Types of Financial Services of Person Approved to Participate in Regulatory
Exchange Commission No. Kor Thor. 21/2563 Re: Determination of Types of Operation of Person Approved to Participate in Regulatory Sandbox to Experiment and Develop Innovation in Support of Service Provision
Exchange Commission No. Kor Thor. 21/2563 Re: Determination of Types of Operation of Person Approved to Participate in Regulatory Sandbox to Experiment and Develop Innovation in Support of Service Provision
redemption of collateral and partial principal repayment of the bond for the mortgage release, as approved by the Bondholders’ Meeting No. 1/2024; (5) Revising the terms and conditions regarding
Special Extension for Approved Status of Auditor, Financial Advisor and Compliance
Calculation of Offer Price of Securities and Determination of Market Price for Consideration of Offer for Sale of Newly Issued Shares with Discount
Determination of Other Financial Institutions Applying for Securities Business Licenses pursuant to the Ministerial Regulation Concerning Granting of Approval for Undertakin
reference. PAGE 4 Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. Kor Thor. 19/2563 Re: Determination of Types of Financial Services of Person Approved to Participate in Regulatory Sandbox to