บการซือ้คอลออปชั่นหรือพุทออปชั่นได้เนื่องจาก พอร์ตโฟลิโอจะให้มูลค่าเท่ากบัมลูค่าคอลออปชัน่และมลูค่าพทุออปชัน่ (Synthetic Call Option/Put Option)ภายใต้ข้อ สมมตุิฐานตลาดที่ปราศจากการเก็งก าไรแบบไร้ความเสีย่งด
จำกรำคำทีป่รับตัวลงมำต ่ำกวำ่ผลติภณัฑท์ดแทนอยำ่งแฟตตีแ้อล กอฮอลสส์ังเครำะห ์(Synthetic Fatty Alcohols) ประกอบกับอุปทำนทีค่่อนขำ้งตงึตัวโดยเฉพำะใน ประเทศจีนและอนิเดยีทีล่ดก ำลังกำรผลติลงเนื่องจำกควำม
protection of marine and water resources The objective of sustainable use and protection of marine and water resources deals with a broad range of issues important to Thailand, from sustainable development of
price of feedstock decrease, mainly attributable to demand for Natural Fatty Alcohol increased from soft selling prices and having competitive price over Synthetic Fatty Alcohol price levels. Moreover
) market, in 2Q2018, Natural FA price was being more competitive to Synthetic FA price and supply of Natural FA was a bit dwindled due to few producers in China cut their production. From above reasons, GGC
synthetic fatty alcohols price and also supply of natural fatty alcohols has slightly dwindled due to maintenance shutdown of some producers, hence demand for natural fatty alcohols was still in good
alcohols in 1Q2020 was at 329 USD/ ton, a decrease of 43% from 573 USD/ ton in 1Q2019 because Fatty alcohols supply in 1Q2019 was tight caused by the announcement of permanent shutdown of some synthetic
approval of shareholders? meeting. Although, the transaction value is within the range of 245.24-292.78 million baht as appraised by independent financial advisor (IFA), IFA opined that the proposed
the ongoing management of the product mix and improved assortment planning for all product range. This includes product development under the private brand to enhance the gross margin. In March, the
performance of the Company’s wide range of investments. The Company’s gains and returns on financial instruments were derived from a variety of activities, including, derivative warrants (DWs), over-the-counter